Success stories

CERN software used for applied research in pharmaceuticals, IT networks analytics, neurology and mapping the educational space.

How can you tell the difference between a masterpiece and a masterful forgery? A project between CERN and INFN is expected to open up new possibilities to answer this question.

The CERN group of the Crystal Clear Collaboration is developing new fast detector prototypes for use in both high-energy physics experiments and medical imaging.

The CYCLADS project aims to design an innovative High Power Cyclotron as part of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), for novel nuclear waste management applications.

The CERN openlab project BioDynaMo aims to establish a high-performance, general-purpose platform, through which life scientists can easily create, run, and visualise three-dimensional biological simulations.

MAGICS Instruments receives license for CERN developed DC/DC converter chip.

Since 2014, the Electrical Power Converters group at CERN has been developing compatibility software to allow its power converter digital controls to be integrated into the more commonly used controls frameworks TANGO and EPICS.

The Knowledge Transfer group at CERN initiated a pilot programme in collaboration with the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), with the purpose of exploring how cutting-edge Israeli companies and institutes can embrace specific CERN technologies and know-how to fuel innovation and drive positive impact in society.