For the General Public

CERN is publicly funded by its 23 Member States and Associate Member States. Find out below about how this investment creates a positive impact on society.

Success stories

The latest example is The Madonna and Child, a painting on canvas from a private collection. In 2020, the Czech start-up InsightART successfully helped attribute the painting to the Renaissance master Raphael, using RToo, a state-of-the-art robotic X-ray scanner.
During 2016, the construction of the 750 MHz Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) was successfully completed.
In September 2020, CERN and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) announced their collaboration on an innovative facility that will use CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) accelerator technology.
CERN patented Gas Electron Multiplier updated for use in hadron therapy and radiotherapy.
Developing standards for activated material characterisation would not only improve the safe handling of these materials, but also help unclutter storage facilities by removing materials that can be recycled.
A new Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, originally developed to upgrade the ALICE inner tracking system during the second long shutdown of LHC, is on its way to Bergen University for a very different application – Proton Computed Tomography (Proton CT).
Horizon 2020 project ARIES aims to improve the performance, availability and sustainability of particle accelerators, transferring its benefits and applications to science and society.
In September 2019, CERN, the foundation Commodity Risk Management Expertise Centre (CORMEC) and the Wageningen University signed an agreement to develop new methods for identifying anomalies that can harm the integrity of commodity and financial markets.
CERN's TimePix3 chip will be used on third license by ASI for devices in X-ray imaging, electron microscopy to particle track reconstruction.

Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

Modelo europeo: entrenan modelos de inteligencia artificial para revolucionar el tratamiento del cáncer

(Spain | Spanish) Las innovaciones basadas en inteligencia artificial que el instituto de...

70 Jahre CERN - Europas Physik-Hub lieferte auch Alltags-Technologie | Austria Presse Agentur

(Austria | German) Von den teils bahnbrechenden Erfindungen der Einrichtung nahe Genf profitieren...

Space radiation measurements during the Artemis I lunar mission | Nature

(English) Space radiation is a notable hazard for long-duration human spaceflight. Associated risks...

CERN and EUROfusion work together on nuclear fusion | Swisstrade

(Switzerland | English) CERN and EUROfusion plan to jointly create a centre of excellence for...

CERN et la lutte contre le cancer | Léman Bleu

(Switzerland| French) La Genève scientifique est internationale et la recherche fondamentale ne fait...

Fabiola Gianotti, lauréate du Prix 2024 de la Fondation pour Genève

(Switzerland | French) La Fondation pour Genève a choisi de remettre son 30e prix à Madame Fabiola...

La physique des particules est au cœur de nombreuses avancées médicales contre le cancer

(Switzerland| French) La collaboration entre le CERN – dont la directrice générale Fabiola Gianotti...

Le Monde de Demain - CERN, transfert de technologie et spin off | Leman Bleu

Le CERN nous ouvre les portes de la recherche fondamentale mise au service de technologies...

German scientists aim to make ion radiotherapy more precise with new imaging solution | HealthCareBusiness

What does treating a tumor inside the head and searching for subatomic particles have in common...